Dec 3, 2013

Last blog of Fall 2013

This is my last post this semester.  It has been a wonderful term and I have enjoyed everyone's blogs.  This week, I have to give my props to Mr. "Country" Hammond and his blog on wrestling.  This is not a topic I know anything about and Mr. Hammond has come a very long way in his skills this semester.  I am proud of him and his progress.  So, if you are interested (or not) in WWF, check out his blog here: Pro-Wrestling

I would also like to acknowledge the efforts of:
William Fowler
Autumn Geuea
Avery Brown
Vernard Wallace
Jennifer Fernandez 

and the rest of my COL 107 classes who made efforts to blog regularly and with very interesting content.  I wish you all the best in your journey.

Nov 18, 2013

Blog of the Week, November 18.

I have to pick Avery Brown's post this week on classical music appreciation.  His link to a Ted talk by Benjamin Zander was well worth the 20 minutes I spent listening.  Thanks Avery!

"Avery's perspective on music, art, and life."

Nov 6, 2013

Blogs for review

For Tonderick in Section 3 - and your daily thoughts, check out this blog of Positivity
For Josh in Section 3 - uhhhh, are you still blogging?? check this site out for some CollegeHumor.

Folks who have not blogged in over a week - you are losing points on this assignment!!

Blog of the Week!

This week, I would like to give some props to Autumn in Section 4 for her blog on FOOD!  One of my favorite topics!!  Her design is great and use of photos is wonderful.  You guys take a peek but be prepared to get HUNGRY!  FoodieNewbie

Oct 28, 2013

A blogroll of non-student blogs...

Today I am posting some links to Blogs by people other than students - but whose blogs are very similar to some of ours.  I am doing this so you have something to look at and compare to.  Some of you are hitting the nail on the head...others need to reach a little more.

For William in Sect. 3, I found this blog - AHA Moments.  Enjoy!
For Penny in Sect. 3, I follow this blog, you might like it!  It is professional so it's fancy.  Reboot with Joe - Juicing Blog
For Ashley in Sect. 3, Look at this one!  She is wicked.  :-) Diary of a Poor Girl
OK, Country, here is one for you - ProWrestling Illustrated!
For Coley, in Sect. 4 - start here.
For Shana, in Sect 4 - this blog is pretty cool, Jungle of Life
For Shiron, in Sect 4 - Hungry Reader 
For Vernard, in Sect. 4 - Earmilk (I really liked Apollo Creed by Archie Bang).Oh, and this guy is pretty, ummmmm, interesting P.O.S
Avery, there are so many music, art and culture blogs...but I liked OpenCulture's site with many blogs to choose from.  My favorite post was this one: Why I study physics
For Robert the Poet, I liked this blog a lot - Tuesday Poem
For my friend Thaer in Sect. 3, you may like this blog post - Why Blogging is Dead
Autumn, the Foodie Newbie, this blog might give you food for thought! Epicurean Mom

For the rest of you - when you post this week, I will find a blog just for you!!

Oct 21, 2013

Blog of the Week

For last week, the week of the 14th, I would like to mention Robert Lane's interesting blog, The Writer's Words.  Robert is blogging original POETRY - very cool. Go check him out - The Writers Words

This week, so far my favorite is again - The Counselor, Mr. Fowler, keeping it real.  Keep on putting it out there sir. Who Betta Than Me?

Oct 8, 2013

Great Progress!

It's so good to see everyone posting and working on their blogs - you all are doing a great job.  Keep up the hard work!  This week, I would like to draw attention to a blog by Counselor (William) Fowler that he titled "Betta Daze" - ya'll check it out!  It's my pick of the week!

Oct 1, 2013

Fall 2013

Well, it's blogging time in COL 107 for Fall 2013.  There are lots of new student blogs to read!  I will be showcasing the best of the semester in my own blog by providing a link to the student's work in my blog post each week.

This week, I want to highlight Dulce Fashion - she has a very nice post on how to do a new fashion T yourself!  Great job!

Jun 10, 2013

Posting Photos

Today we are practicing uploading photographs to Blogger.  First, compose a new post, then in the window click on the photo icon to insert image:

Then, browse your hard drive for the photo and upload it.  Here is another one.

Feb 14, 2013

Blogs for COL 107

Hi Class!
I am going to use this blog to communicate with you all about our blogs.  Each student should blog once per week to receive credit.  Your posts should be at least a paragraph (100+ words) and can contain pictures and links to web sites.

Also, read the posts of other students and explore the world of blogs.  Subscribe to a few that are in your field of interest.  Find other bloggers that blog about the same topic you are blogging about.  Create a list of blogs.  There is a lot of fun to be had!

My aim is for us to really explore this means of communicating and to understand the uses of blogs.
