Dec 3, 2013

Last blog of Fall 2013

This is my last post this semester.  It has been a wonderful term and I have enjoyed everyone's blogs.  This week, I have to give my props to Mr. "Country" Hammond and his blog on wrestling.  This is not a topic I know anything about and Mr. Hammond has come a very long way in his skills this semester.  I am proud of him and his progress.  So, if you are interested (or not) in WWF, check out his blog here: Pro-Wrestling

I would also like to acknowledge the efforts of:
William Fowler
Autumn Geuea
Avery Brown
Vernard Wallace
Jennifer Fernandez 

and the rest of my COL 107 classes who made efforts to blog regularly and with very interesting content.  I wish you all the best in your journey.


  1. I cant believe that the semester is almost over! It flew by and I have learned so much and am still finding out new things on a daily basis. I would be interested in taking you again as my teacher if you teach any of the other classes I will be taking. Thanks for all you have taught me and all you patience.

    1. Couldn't agree more, Autumn! This class has helped enhance my computer skills to a higher degree. From the resources and content, to the wealth of knowledge I've gained, every ounce of teaching I've gained in this class is invaluable. I'll continue to apply this knowledge as I go forward in my specific career.
