Oct 26, 2015

Some Example Blogs - Check them out for ideas on style and content

As I mentioned in one class, each semester I try to give each student a professional blog to look at for ideas and inspiration.  I try to focus on a blog related to the topic you picked.

Derrick E. - http://www.teslamotors.com/blog/tesla-all-wheel-drive-dual-motor-power-and-torque-specifications

Judy P. - https://angelanimalsnetwork.wordpress.com/

Rocibel S. - http://massage.blogcommunity.com/

Annmarie - http://www.floretflowers.com/blog/

Landon A - http://www.filmjabber.com/movie-blog/

Grant Y. - http://tigerpundit.blogspot.com/  - see what you can do with Blogspot!!

Alexis - http://makeupforlife.net/makeup-tutorial

Brendan - http://atwar.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/08/25/the-cost-of-lower-standards-for-women-in-marine-recruitment/?_r=0

Michael O. - http://collegefootballzealots.com/

Michael M.-  http://www.youngupstarts.com/

If I left you out it is because I don't have your Blog URL, so get it to me!!

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