May 1, 2014

A final note - Why are We Here?

Well, the semester is over - and I hope this class has been of some benefit to each of you.  I have one final video for you to watch and I dedicate this to each of you no matter your age or situation.


  1. I liked your final video and I would like to hope that my fellow classmates took the time to watch it also. I feel that if some parts of it doesn't get taken the wrong way of taking care of themselves, after doing a research paper on Child Labor it could be kind of going backwards. However at this point in my career the best thing that I can do is do my job and offer the little bit that I know to the apprentices to help them along the way in their career.

  2. I enjoyed the motivational piece; it is true that we live in a time where everyone appear that they are just out for themselves and will step on who ever to get to wherever. I will differently let my son’s listen to this piece to ensure that we can continue to be positive to get to where we need to be hard work and determination thanks I truly enjoyed this class!
