Nov 24, 2014

Does an online petition really effect change? A look at

I read this article in an online magazine about online petitions and whether or not they really cause changes.  After reading this article, what do YOU think?

Nov 19, 2014

Using technology to ADVOCATE

So, for your paper, I have asked "how is technology currently being used to educate, advocate and effect change"?   In this post I am going to point you to a blog that lists some smartphone apps that fit that bill.  Read this blog and let me know how you think it can help you in your research. 

Smartphone Apps | GMO Awareness

Oct 30, 2014

GMO Food - which ones are those??

Check out this website for tools to let you decide what food to eat or not eat.  Depending on your viewpoint.

Then, there are apps for that

 GMO-Free apps

Oct 22, 2014

An article for your general interest.

I found this article online about what technology trends are expected to be for 2015.  It's a pretty interesting read.

Forbes Top 10 Trends
Forbes article

Oct 13, 2014

Hyperlinking an image in blogger

If you would like to make an image in your post "clickable" - meaning someone could click the image and be directed to a web page - here is how.  First insert the image into the post using this tool.

Then, select the image by clicking on it once and click the Link tool on the toolbar.  When the dialog comes up which looks like this.  You might have to click it twice.

then, copy the URL of the website you want to link to (from the browser address bar) and paste it into the appropriate place in the dialog (where it says "To what URL should this link go?") - or just type in the entire URL in that place (for example: is a URL).

Save and publish your blog and preview it to see if it works.

Some great tips for Bloggers

Check out this blogger's site dedicated to making your blog better.  His article on blog length is worth reading especially for this class.

Oct 8, 2014

Oh, where do I begin??

Sometimes, it is tough just to get started.  So I thought I would post a link to a blog that might give you some ideas or motivation.

Or, I could have reblogged the entire blog.  More on that next week.

Oct 6, 2014

Embedding YouTube Videos - step by step

Here is how you put a YouTube into your blog.
1) Find the Youtube video you want.
2) Click Share, Embed, Copy embed code
3) back to blog post, click HTML
4) Paste embed code on a blank line
Click back on Compose to edit post further.

OR! Use tool in Compose mode that looks like this:

Click "From YouTube" - key in search terms, get results and look for the video you want.  Select it and Bam!

From Wikipedia:

Sep 30, 2014

Some more blogs to review!

I found a Cajun Food blog for Harold
Amberlea, this Blog is for you.
Rob, here is a blog you might like.
A Fashion blog for Jasmine

Fall 2014

Welcome to COL 107 Blogging for Fall 2014.  This is always my favorite time of the semester when I see you all using your skills to create original work.  Each semester I like to find each of you a model blog to use as a guidepost - not as something to mimic, but as something to use as inspiration.

The first ones of this semester are:
Fishing Fury (for Lewie) - early worm gets the bird.  Hahahaha!
100 Days of Real Food - for Torrie
Media Blood Hound - for Debra

Jul 17, 2014

Blogs for your review

Each semester, I find and suggest blogs for you to look at for ideas and for you to see how professionals blog.  Then we can start to talk about what else you can do with your blogs.  So, here is my list for this semester:

Hot Sauce Blog
Little Island Quilting
The Photography Geek
Random Curiosity
Single Mommy Blog
Viet World Kitchen

I will research more later!  Enjoy these.

Ms. Daniels

May 1, 2014

A final note - Why are We Here?

Well, the semester is over - and I hope this class has been of some benefit to each of you.  I have one final video for you to watch and I dedicate this to each of you no matter your age or situation.

Apr 23, 2014

Have a look at this Facebook page

USA uncut

Facebook, the largest social media outlet, is one way that technology is being used to educate, inform, and promote activism.  Can you come up with some Twitter feeds, blogs or other social media outlets that could be considered activist?

Apr 21, 2014

For my Students in Section 003 - read this

This article might give you some hints about your research paper.  We are going to start working on those papers Wednesday so come ready!
Technology in Activism

For my COL 107 004 section (Tues-Thurs) - Take a look!

This article might surprise you - hint: related to your research paper!
Inequality and US Deaths

Mar 26, 2014

Blog Away!

Some of you are blogging!!  Some are NOT - you are losing points on the assignment if you are not blogging.  If I don't have YOUR blog listed on MY blog, I won't be able to check your blog or give you a grade.  Make sure I have your blog listed here to the left of my posts.

The assignment requires a blog post once a week.  Not to create a NEW blog but to write a post to the blog you created.  If you have questions, please ask me in the next class.

Mar 11, 2014

Some Inspiration - For your blogs

I suppose you are all thinking "what is the point of this blogging stuff?" - well consider this song by Beth Wood about how we all have the same bodies, the same words, the same days, but some of us live a little more "deliciously". Lane, this is for you specifically!! )

Feb 24, 2014

Welcome to Spring 2014 Blogging!

This is the time in the semester when we begin to blog as a part of COL 107.  This week you will create a blog and post to the blog.  Each week until the end of the semester you will post to your blog for a grade.  You will also read the posts of your classmates and comment on their blogs.  This should be fun and interesting.  We all have a story to tell.