Mar 26, 2014

Blog Away!

Some of you are blogging!!  Some are NOT - you are losing points on the assignment if you are not blogging.  If I don't have YOUR blog listed on MY blog, I won't be able to check your blog or give you a grade.  Make sure I have your blog listed here to the left of my posts.

The assignment requires a blog post once a week.  Not to create a NEW blog but to write a post to the blog you created.  If you have questions, please ask me in the next class.

Mar 11, 2014

Some Inspiration - For your blogs

I suppose you are all thinking "what is the point of this blogging stuff?" - well consider this song by Beth Wood about how we all have the same bodies, the same words, the same days, but some of us live a little more "deliciously". Lane, this is for you specifically!! )